ItalCost Onshore Storage Facility

Organisational Model

ITALCOST is endowed with an Organisational and Management Model, in compliance with Legislative Decree No. 231 dated 8th June 2001, aimed at assuring the conditions of fairness and transparency in business activities and affairs management, protecting its own position and image as well as the shareholders’ expectations. It is therefore the main tool for the prevention of illicit or unfair behaviours by people acting in the name and on behalf of ITALCOST.

The set of ethical values and principles that ITALCOST decided to adopt with the aim of managing the business activity in a fair and faithful way, is an integral part of the Code of Ethics, which is also the official document of the image and values promoted by the company. It also provides the code of behaviour all ITALCOST’s employees or collaborators must comply with while performing their tasks inside or outside the company. .

omm code of ethics